Saturday, May 23, 2009

Baby Stuff Shopping is Hard!

Today Mark and I went to a few baby stores.

The first place was "USA Baby". They were having a huge 60%  OFF "MADNESS" wild & crazy  Sale.

I'll be honest, I didnt see anything all that wild & crazy going on there.  I found a lot of over priced items for things Im almost certain I'll never use.

Mark found an item called the "Wiz Guard" that is essentially a miniature athletic cup or cod piece for babies that blocks the diaper changer from getting wizzed on, as something genius and fascinating. We did not buy the "Wiz Guard."

After nearly 2 hours at USA BABY, Mark and I gave up there and drove to "BABIES R US" to see what we could find there.

NOW . . this was more like it.  "Babies R Us" had it going on. 

We decided to make it official and do the Baby Registry thing walking around the store with a price gun nabbing all the items we think our loved ones "may" buy us. 

It was an exhausting, overwhelming day staring at an assortment of bottles of different sizes, nipples made of different materials, bathing tools, diaper bags, blankets . .  you name it, these little guys require their own gear and accessories.  It was cute and fun at first, but eventually we'd pick things off the shelf and look at each other and say, REALLY?? Do we really need an electric formula mixer or a bottle steamer?

Overall it was a very fun, exhausting, eye opening day to the world of baby stuff shopping. We almost felt like we were now part of this secret club as we passed by other expecting mothers and couples as lost as we were, deciding which assortment of nipples we should buy.  - Should we go with the Long Lasting?.. or the extra strength?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Nope, not a BOY!

When Emily and I came home today, we received a visit from my friend, Suzanne from church who lives down the street.

She was kind enough to remember that today was the date we would learn the sex of our baby.  I was touched she'd remember.  Very sweet of her.

Suzanne had a gift in hand and it was a little miniature Thomas the Train cake and a note congratulating us on having a BOY!

She too, was certain it was going to be a boy.  

We thought it was cute and I knew Mark would get a kick out of it.

It's a GIRL!

I've had the strongest impression that I would have a boy for the longest time.  

When planning and preparing for the baby, I just new, yet creeping thoughts a baby girl would enter my mind from time to time. Of course, i would shoo it away.

We started buying little things for the baby - of course for a boy.  We thought of names for the baby, again, for a boy.

Today we learned we are having a girl. We are happy to report according to the doctors examination, scans and all we can tell, she seems to be developing right on schedule. All her limbs, parts and pieces see,m to be where they should be. 

Not a boy, but we are still very happy and excited.