Tuesday, July 28, 2009

baby bump

Ive been told by many when they were far along as I am that they were much bigger. It seems a baby fits differently on different women and different body types.

I meet with my doctor often, and been told my weight and Jaclyn's growth is right on par.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How's Jaclyn?

Jaclyn is very active. She moves around a lot. Some days she's flipping all over the place, then other days she's kicking and jabbing. I've become quite fascinated with what she's doing in there. I lay in bed with the tv remote on my stomach and just stare at it and watch it jump around for hours.

We also have a fetal microphone that amplifies the sound. To be honest, thus far i hear nothing. But its a great for listening to Mark's tv in his room on the other side of the house.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Crib and stuff

Mark and I finally put the crib together. Our friend Elaine was kind enough to bring us this crib from Tampa. Its a great crib. It turns out someone was getting rid of it just when we were looking for one. Lucky us.

The Crib also has a changing table.

Little by little we've been adding little things to Jaclyn's room; blankets, clothes, baby monitor, giant inflatable bathing duck - whatever we find.